Products related to Anxiety:
Spinner de mână Decorativ Anti-Anxiety Multicolor Metal Rainbow Fidget Spinner pentru birou 43
Descriere: Ceea ce vă poate oferi acest produs este că se poate roti extrem de rapid fără agitare, ceea ce poate asigura cea mai stabilă rotație și consistență cu designul său de stabilitate axială ridicată. Folosind acest produs, puteți reduce anxietatea și vă ameliorează stresul, este util pentru a vă calma mișcarea și pentru a vă calma starea de spirit, care este potrivit pentru birou, spațiu de lucru, școală și facultate. Fabricat din material aliaj, acest produs este durabil și robust. Diametrul acestui produs este de aproximativ 6 cm până la 6,5 cm. Este potrivit pentru birou, navetă, clasă, studiu, acasă și așa mai departe. Nume articol: Spinner de mână Material: Aliaj Caracteristici: Transformabil, la modă, colorat Detalii despre mărime: Diametru: 6 cm-6,5 cm/2,36 -2,56 (Aproximativ.) Note: Datorită diferenței de setare a luminii și a ecranului, culoarea articolului poate fi ușor diferită de imagini. Vă rugăm să permiteți o ușoară diferență de dimensiune din cauza măsurătorilor manuale diferite. Pachetul include: 1 x Spinner de mână
Price: 25.3 RON | Shipping*: 0.0 RON -
Bijuterii Relief Fidget & Anxiety Culoarea argintie Gravura Litere Inele ajustabile deschise pentru femei Cadou argintiu
Stil: Modă Gen: femei Model de formă: Scrisoare Material: Aliaj de zinc Pentru tine: 17 mm, reglabil Ocazie: Casual, cocktail, petrecere, club, festival, etc Pachetul include: 1 x inel
Price: 19.7 RON | Shipping*: 0.0 RON -
Šperky Relief Fidget & Anxiety Strieborná farba Gravírovanie písmen Otvorené nastaviteľné prstene pre ženy Darček strieborná
Štýl: Móda rod: ženy Vzor tvaru: List Materiál: Zliatina zinku Veľkosť: 17 mm, nastaviteľné Príležitosť: Neformálne, kokteil, párty, klub, festival atď Balenie obsahuje: 1 x prsteň
Price: 2.08 € | Shipping*: 0.0 € -
Wide Band Floral Meditation I am enough Relief Fidget & Anxiety Dandelion Ring Rotatable Engraving 8
Label:Yes Style:Vintage Types:Dandelion Letter Ring Color:Silver Craft:carved, turned Occasion: casual, cocktail, party, club, festival,etc Material: Alloy Features: Relief Fidget & Anxiety,Meditation Package:1Pcs Ring Note: 1. There is a 2-3% difference according to manual measurement. Please check the size carefully before you buy the item. 2. Please note that a slight color difference should be acceptable due to the light and screen.
Price: 71.0 CZK | Shipping*: 0.0 CZK
What is internship anxiety?
Internship anxiety is the feeling of stress, worry, and nervousness that individuals experience before or during an internship. It can stem from a variety of factors such as fear of making mistakes, feeling unprepared, or not meeting expectations. Internship anxiety can impact an individual's confidence, performance, and overall experience during their internship. It is important for individuals to address and manage their anxiety through self-care practices, seeking support from mentors or supervisors, and setting realistic goals for themselves.
What is toaster anxiety?
Toaster anxiety is a term used to describe the fear or unease some people feel when using a toaster. This anxiety can stem from a fear of the toaster malfunctioning, causing a fire, or even just the anticipation of the sudden popping sound when the toast is done. It can also be related to a fear of getting shocked or burned while using the toaster. Overall, toaster anxiety is a common but manageable feeling that some individuals experience when using this kitchen appliance.
What is future anxiety?
Future anxiety is a feeling of worry, fear, or unease about what may happen in the future. It can be triggered by uncertainty about upcoming events, concerns about potential negative outcomes, or a lack of control over future circumstances. Future anxiety can lead to excessive rumination, difficulty making decisions, and a sense of being overwhelmed by what lies ahead. It is a common experience for many people, but can become problematic when it interferes with daily functioning and well-being.
What is existential anxiety?
Existential anxiety is a deep-seated fear or unease about the fundamental aspects of human existence, such as the meaning of life, freedom, isolation, and death. It is a form of anxiety that arises from the awareness of one's own mortality and the uncertainty of the future. This type of anxiety is often associated with philosophical and existential questions about the purpose and significance of one's life, and can lead to feelings of dread, despair, and a sense of being overwhelmed by the enormity of existence.
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Lablet Dog Separation Anxiety Suit Relax Armor pentru ameliorarea stresului, de bază, 1 bucată, XXS
Jucăriile asigură activitate fizică pentru câinele tău și îl ajută să-și mențină o formă fizică bună. Jocul împreună poate ajuta la dezvoltarea mușchilor și la îmbunătățirea flexibilității. Jucăriile puzzle simple sau jucăriile pentru dezvoltarea inteligenței vă pot ajuta cățelul să-și îmbunătățească abilitățile de rezolvare a problemelor și de învățare. Sunet: sunet Tip: Tagnori creator: China A stabilit: a stabilit Ţintă: pentru animale de companie pentru animale de companie Câinii simt, de asemenea, stres și se angajează în comportamente precum joacă, mușcă obiecte sau, dimpotrivă, nu se mișcă pentru a-l ușura. Furnizarea de jucării adecvate poate ajuta la gestionarea acestui comportament și la ameliorarea stresului. În plus, oferirea timpului de joacă ajută la construirea unei legături puternice între câine și proprietar și îi ajută să se distreze.
Price: 315.5 RON | Shipping*: 0.0 RON -
Oțel inoxidabil Star Moon Anxiety Relaxing Cool Inel pentru cupluri Spinner Fidgets Joint Rings Accesorii Anillo Antiestres 9
Compatibilitate : Toate compatibile Funcţie : Mood Tracker Tip de setare : Nici unul Tip inele : Benzi de nunta Formămodel : Stea Stil : LA MODĂ Ocazie : partid Material : Oțel inoxidabil Tip de metale : OȚEL INOXIDABIL Gen : bărbaţi Numele mărcii : SMJEL Origine : China continentală CN : Zhejiang Tipul de articol : Inele Fine sau Fashion : Modă
Price: 31.9 RON | Shipping*: 0.0 RON -
Professional airline Pilots' Stress, Sleep Problems, Fatigue and Mental Health in Terms of Depression, Anxiety, Common Mental Disorders, and Wellbe...
The aim of this dissertation was to examine two so far separately considered complex constructs, fatigue and mental health, concerning a target group that has to cope with high stress, extraordinary workload, high risks and responsibility: professional pilots. The complexity of the psychophysiological construct fatigue should be highlighted. Potential correlations and interactions of stress with fatigue, sleep problems, mental health and well-being should be investigated. It seemed necessary to consider pilot fatigue not only in the context of sleep medicine, but also in context with the Theory of Allostasis, clinical, work psychology and burnout research. Studies one and two investigated, if our com-prehensive dataset of 406 pilots would support the Theory of Allostasis. Complex anal-yses confirmed that acute and chronic work-related and psychosocial stress were signifi-cantly associated with more psychophysiological wear and tear processes like high fa-tigue, sleep problems, impaired well-being and more symptoms of depression, anxiety, and CMD. The third study was a Qualitative Content Analysis of pilots' experiences, which perfectly confirmed the quantitative results of all five studies and the Theory of Allostasis. Studies 4, 5 and 6 compared groups of pilots. Australian pilots were slightly more affected than EASA-based pilots. Short-haul pilots of low-cost-carriers were most affected, reporting excessive fatigue, the most sleep problems, the most symptoms of depression, anxiety and CMD, and the most impaired well-being. These first six explora-tory studies have not received any funding but have identified important new research topics. These complex, new results should be the basis of future research regarding pi-lots' fatigue, health and flight safety in general. Das Ziel dieser Dissertation war es, zwei bisher getrennt betrachtete komplexe Konstrukte, Müdigkeit und psychische Gesundheit, in Bezug auf eine Zielgruppe zu untersuchen, die mit hohem Stress, außergewöhnlicher Arbeitsbelastung, hohen Risiken und Verantwortung fertig werden muss: Berufspiloten. Die Komplexität des psychophysiologischen Konstrukts Fatigue soll hervorgehoben werden. Mögliche Korrelationen und Wechselwirkungen von Stress mit Müdigkeit, Schlafproblemen, psychischer Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden sollten untersucht werden. Es schien notwendig, Pilotenmüdigkeit nicht nur im Kontext der Schlafmedizin, sondern auch im Zusammenhang mit der Theorie der Allostase, der klinischen, arbeitspsychologischen und Burnout-Forschung zu betrachten. Die Studien eins und zwei untersuchten, ob unser umfassender Datensatz von 406 Piloten die Theorie der Allostase stützen würde. Komplexe Analysen bestätigten, dass akuter und chronischer arbeitsbedingter und psychosozialer Stress signifikant mit mehr psychophysiologischen Verschleißprozessen wie hoher Erschöpfung, Schlafproblemen, beeinträchtigtem Wohlbefinden und mehr Symptomen von Depressionen, Angstzuständen und CMD assoziiert waren . Die dritte Studie war eine qualitative Inhaltsanalyse der Erfahrungen von Piloten, die die quantitativen Ergebnisse aller fünf Studien und die Theorie der Allostase perfekt bestätigte. Die Studien 4, 5 und 6 verglichen Gruppen von Piloten. Australische Piloten waren etwas stärker betroffen als EASA-basierte Piloten. Kurzstreckenpiloten von Billigfliegern waren am stärksten betroffen und berichteten von übermäßiger Müdigkeit, den meisten Schlafproblemen, den meisten Symptomen von Depressionen, Angstzuständen und CMD sowie dem am stärksten beeinträchtigten Wohlbefinden. Diese ersten sechs explorativen Studien wurden nicht finanziert, haben aber wichtige neue Forschungsthemen identifiziert. Diese komplexen, neuen Ergebnisse sollten die Grundlage für zukünftige Forschungen zu Ermüdung, Gesundheit und Flugsicherheit von Piloten im Allgemeinen sein.
Price: 200.00 € | Shipping*: 0.00 € -
120cm Alarm Disc Lock Security Anti Thief Motocykl Motocykl Koło Tarczowe Hamulec Alarm Blokada i Torba I Przypomnienie Sprężyna Kabel czerwony
funkcje: w 100% nowe i w wysokiej jakości. Długość 120 cm pozwalająca na dosięgnięcie od krótkich do wysokich kierownic. Lekki, łatwy do spakowania kabel spiralny w jaskrawych kolorach działa jako wysoce wizualny środek odstraszający przed kradzieżą. 2 zapętlone końce: 1 do blokady tarczy, drugi do uchwytu. Zapobiega potencjalnym uszkodzeniom i zakłopotaniu spowodowanym jazdą, gdy włączona jest blokada tarczy Nigdy więcej nie jedź z blokadą tarczy na tarczy hamulcowej Nadaje się do motocykli, skuterów i rowerów Sugerowany sposób użycia: Ten przewód przypominający jest przeznaczony do użytku z blokadą tarczy motocyklowej. Kabel/przewód ma pętlę na każdym końcu, aby podłączyć blokadę dysku do uchwytu. Dane techniczne: Długość: Około. Regulowany 120 cm Waga netto: 40g Paczka zawiera: 1 * kabel przypominający o blokadzie dysku motocyklowego
Price: 53.9 PLN | Shipping*: 0.0 PLN
What is clothing anxiety?
Clothing anxiety is a feeling of stress or unease related to one's clothing choices or appearance. It can manifest as worry about how one looks in certain clothes, fear of being judged by others for their outfit, or feeling self-conscious about not meeting certain fashion standards. Clothing anxiety can impact one's self-esteem and confidence, leading to avoidance of social situations or negative self-talk. It is a common experience that many people face at some point in their lives.
What is competition anxiety?
Competition anxiety is the feeling of nervousness, fear, or stress that arises in response to a competitive situation. It can manifest as physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling, or a racing heart, as well as mental symptoms like self-doubt, negative thoughts, or difficulty concentrating. This anxiety can be triggered by a fear of failure, a desire to perform well, or pressure from others. It can impact an individual's performance and overall well-being, but there are strategies and techniques that can help manage and reduce competition anxiety.
What are exam anxiety?
Exam anxiety is a feeling of stress, worry, or fear that students experience before or during exams. It can manifest as physical symptoms such as sweating, shaking, or feeling nauseous, as well as mental symptoms like racing thoughts, difficulty concentrating, or feeling overwhelmed. Exam anxiety can be triggered by a fear of failure, perfectionism, lack of preparation, or pressure to perform well. It can impact a student's performance and overall well-being if not managed effectively.
What is reporting anxiety?
Reporting anxiety is a feeling of unease or worry that arises when individuals are required to provide information or updates on a particular topic. This can stem from a fear of making mistakes, concerns about the consequences of the information being shared, or a lack of confidence in one's ability to accurately convey the necessary details. Reporting anxiety can manifest as physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling, or a racing heart, and may lead to avoidance of reporting tasks altogether.
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